Wits and Wagers Expansion : Vegas Hot on Sale
- Description
Find the perfect Wits and Wagers Expansion : Vegas Hot on Sale
Wits & Wagers is a betting game masquerading as a trivia game. You don’t need to know the answers to win, because you can win by betting (fake) money on other players’ answers. This transforms the game into a high-rolling, push-your-luck nail-biter. Gameplay is simple as pie:
- Read a fun question…everyone writes down a guess.
- Place your bets…which guess is closest?
- Feeling confident? Bet on yourself.
- Think others know better? Bet on them.
- No idea? Bet on any guess and hope you get lucky.
This expansion adds a deluxe playing mat that adds additional betting section for even more fun!
This is not a standalone game. A copy of Wits and Wagers Party is required to play.
Players: 5 – 21
Ages: 6 +
Runtime: 20 – 30m
Designer: Dominic Crapuchettes