
Hamlet’s Hit Points Online

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Written by Robin D. Laws

  • Softcover
  • 6 x 9 inches
  • 196 pages

Hamlet’s Hit Points

See Your Stories Like Never Before

Hamlet’s Hit Points presents a toolkit that helps make storytelling in any RPG easier and more fun by classifying story beats and letting you track their ups and downs from hope to fear and back.

Armed with these tools, you’ll be equipped to lay compelling track for an emotional roller-coaster that will keep everyone at your game table involved, excited, riveted.

In these pages, you’ll find definitions of nine critical story beats. You’ll read about the relationships between those beats. You’ll also find complete analyses of three stories you know already—Hamlet, Casablanca, andDr. No—to show you how the system works.

Written with roleplayers in mind, Hamlet’s Hit Points is an indispensable tool for understanding stories, in games and everywhere else.

About the Author

Robin is the author of eight novels plus the short story collection and has edited five original short fiction anthologies. He has also designed some of our favorite tabletop roleplaying games such as Hillfolk, Feng Shui, and The Esoterrorists.


A critical hit! Whether you approach Hamlet’s Hit Points as a writer, as a critic, as a film buff, or as a gamer, you’ll find that Robin Laws is there ahead of you, pointing the way. An unparalleled game designer and best-of-breed game master, Robin reminds us that narrative is worth it: worth creating, worth studying, and worth nurturing in any format, with or without dice.” — Kenneth Hite, author of Tour de Lovecraft