D&D (5e) Adventures in Middle-Earth Loremaster’s Screen Hot on Sale
- Description
You’ve never seen D&D (5e) Adventures in Middle-Earth Loremaster’s Screen Hot on Sale
The Loremaster’s Screen is an invaluable accessory pack for the Loremaster, aimed to introduce players to Adventures in Middle-Earth. You do not even need to own Adventures in Middle-Earth to run it! The Loremaster’s Screen is more than just a screen! It contains:
- A beautiful and functional four panel, heavyweight Loremaster’s Screen featuring:
- an inspiring vista of Lake-town on one side
- a collection of handy reference tables to keep your games flowing seamlessly
- Eaves of Mirkwood adventure
- a 32 page adventure that makes a perfect introduction to Adventures in Middle-earth for new players
- or a handy episode to drop into your existing campaign
- cut down rules and lots of advice
- a great starting point for your Adventures in Middle-earth
- Six pre-generated characters on loose leaf character sheets
- A sheet of suggested optional rules for the Warden and Scholar classes
What you’ll need to run the adventure:
- The 5e rules – available free online or use the Player’s Handbook
- Helpful to have Adventures in Middle-earth Player’s Guide and Loremaster’s Guide (but Eaves of Mirkwood can be run without them)
- A passing knowledge of Middle-earth (the movies at least!)
System: D&D 5th Edition
Mechanic: GM & Dice
Number of Players: 3 – 6
Genre: Fantasy
Tone: Light-Hearted – Serious
Themes: Exploration, Good versus Evil, Greatness